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Re: Which law enforcement agencies can enforce the 4

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Posted by Katrina on October 18, 2002 at 15:31:31:

In Reply to: Which law enforcement agencies can enforce the 4 posted by MBARGERON on October 16, 2002 at 14:56:12:

Depends on where you live - your own state/county/city laws can come into play and determine which agencies enforce the law, so it WILL vary from region to region. Your county/city health department and state DNR or game and fisheries might look into it. If the seller (and remember that it IS legal to HAVE undersized turtles, just not sell them) in question is selling baby sliders and giving out the wrong info with them, try working at the lowest local level - informing a landlord or event organizer of the laws - before trying anything else. In some cases the health department might confiscate and turn the turtles over to animal control, who then can place the animals or euthanize them. The FDA will euthanize baby turtles it confiscates directly. But, you'll have to weigh the consequences of the situation you are seeing now and what our actions will create. The next MATTS newsletter will have an article on this issue.


:Local police, humane society, fish and wildlife?
:Please clarify this for me.
:Thanks for your help.

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