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Re: how do i report someone who is keeping illegal herps?

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Posted by ZackB on October 17, 2002 at 15:53:35:

In Reply to: how do i report someone who is keeping illegal herps? posted by ram on October 16, 2002 at 20:26:50:

Am I correct in guessing that by illegal you mean venomous? The laws regarding herps are blatantly unfair in most places, so I don't see why you would want to report them at all. If they want to accept the risk of keeping illegal herps, I say let them. As long as they're taking proper care of their animals, and keeping them secure, there's no point in being a stoolie... Unless of course you're a PETA supporter or have some personal grudge against this person, in which case you'll find no help here. That's just something you'll have to decide for yourself. My opinion is just let it be. If this person is irresponsible with their animals, chances are the police will find out about them sooner or later anyway. Reporting this person would likely only result in the extermination of the animals and a pissed off neighbor.

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