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Re: Herpetofauna laws of Michigan & crocodilian shipping

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Posted by Ravenspirit on October 08, 2002 at 12:47:02:

In Reply to: Herpetofauna laws of Michigan & crocodilian shipping posted by boiga on October 08, 2002 at 09:10:12:

Well, because spectacled caiman are now listed as an invasive species, and are listed on the endangered species list by default (simalarity of apperance to caiman yacare) they can not be sold across of state lines.

So, you may be able to legaly purchase one in your state, or get one for free as an adoption out of state, but purchasing, or selling one over state lines without the proper lisances, is a violation of the lacey act - and a serious criminal offense. I dont know what getting one legaly into canada would entail -

So, mabe center on breeding dwarf caimans (who are still legal here in the states) if you are interested in propagating crocodilians -

Raven -

:I was also looking for info on crocodilian ownership and I found something that mentioned that crocodilians cannot be shipped across state borders or something. Can someone please explain this to me? I own 1 spectacled caiman right now, and in the distant future I wanted to try my luck at breeding spectacled caiman. I also have love for all other species of crocodilian. What would I do with the offspring if they cannot be shipped across state lines? Someone please clear up the confusion. Thanks!

:(For those of you who are wondering, I am not from the US but I would like to move there someday. I currently reside in Canada, not too far from the Michigan border.)

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