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He's absolutely correct...more....

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Posted by ECO on October 03, 2002 at 21:37:30:

In Reply to: Tennessee reptile collecting laws posted by Tom Bombadil on October 03, 2002 at 20:49:25:

Tennessee is one of the "harshest" states there is with regards to native wildlife collection. ALL reptiles and amphibians are fully protected and may not be collected, killed or even disturbed in /from the wild. Technically, even if you photograph herps in TN, and then make a slide show out of them and charge $1.00 for people to get and see it, you're breaking the law (profiting off of native wildlife.) The only exceptions are frogs and snapping turtles which have a legal hunting season. Hope this helps.........ECO

:all right... i was at a fair thingy and some guy from a nature center told me it was absolutely illegal to collect herps in tennessee... i was like huh? does anyone know if this is true? i checked on search engines but it didn't bring up anything.... anyways i had always read that you were allowed to collect stuff and he said you can't collect ANYTHING at all from the wild in Tennessee...was he just saying this so i wouldn't catch anything or is it true?

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