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Re: Is this a smart thing to do

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Posted by Avalanche on September 27, 2002 at 06:45:10:

In Reply to: Is this a smart thing to do posted by SSCHIND on September 24, 2002 at 21:39:54:

:If someone gets busted for breaking the law, does it make any sense to turn around and do the exact same thing they were busted for and claim they have to do it because they got busted.

:Or does it just show that that person has no respect for the law and will continue to break it no matter what.

:Steve Schindler

Heres the facts as I understand them. The Watson name is what was under investgation plain and simple. The Fish and Wildlife department, or whatever they call it over there, kept seeing the watson name pop up whenever they investigated an illeagal venomous, endangered,protected, animal. Once your name pops up twice they will certianly come knocking at your door. What better way to slam the door on your reputation than raiding the show you run. Turtle town was caught in the fray when the agents raided the show, they didnt come looking for turtles they consider them a bonus.

All that said, I wouldnt be trying to sell, and as a consumer I wouldnt but any from him. He has much larger issues to worry about, he shipped his turtles via the "bad way" I couldnt imagine the investigators arent crawling up his butt looking info on customers/shipping. As silly as this seems it these peoples job to bust chops.

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