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They better darn well do this to dog owners too....

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Posted by M.T. on September 12, 2002 at 18:53:27:

In Reply to: Re: Well thats a bummer, For that could be read to include - posted by Samcin on September 12, 2002 at 17:36:09:

How can they make us go through this but not dog owners? I've been attacked 4 times by dogs in my life, 3 times on my own property and once in a parking lot on public property when one hurled itself through a window to bite through my shoulder (and people WONDER WHY I'm a CAT person). Guess what whopping injuries I've ever gotten from snakes... pinholes in my hand and I can assure you I've had papercuts more agonizing. And yet people are allowed to take their dogs out in public but if we even brought our cornsnake out onto our front lawns for some sun, we'd be looking down the gun at a completely reptile ban in our locales. How utterly stupid.

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