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Phobia hypothesis......

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Posted by -ryan- on May 12, 2003 at 21:10:03:

I was just thinking about how some people are afraid of snakes, and some arent. I believe that a phobia is left-over instincts from the past, when animals like snakes, and spiders (I am terrified of spiders) posed a true threat to our lives. So does this mean that we are more evolved than others? Also, people are taught phobias. Children learn from their parents what is bad and what isn't, but this originated from somewhere, which is where the first idea comes into play. But why are people teaching their kids that things like snakes and spiders are bad? Well, would you want to see your child outside playing with a venomous snake, or coming home with a handful of spiders? I don't think so. But people have to teach their kids the difference between animals they can and can't touch. Pets are fine (if they are your pets, or pets that you know to not be aggressive). Teach them that wildanimals are not to be touched.

It made me feel good to see a parent coming into this petshop last week, and looking through all of the reptiles with smiles on their faces.

But for the wild animals thing, if you are like me, nonvenomous snakes found in the wild are intriguing. Like the time my friend's dad found a garter snake (there are not very many snakes around here at all), and my friend was keeping it as a temperary pet (well not really a pet). I thought it was funny that the snake kept escaping from the little aquarium. I told the kid that tin foil wouldn't work. I remember he told me that the first night he had kept it inside, and of course it was gone in the morning, but they found it either in or around the toaster (can't remember) so then they kept it outside. But even then, he had the tinfoil over the top, but then he put a tool box on top of that, so I went to take the snake out to look at it, and as soon as I took the tool box off, the snake was sitting on top of the tin foil. We knew that snake would bite us if it had the chance though, so we had to hold it either behind the head, or about 1"-2" behind the head. Not tightly of course, the snake was not hurt or anything, but if we had held it like any other snake, it would have tagged us for sure (and it was a pretty big garter snake, so why take a bite when you don't have to).

Well, I guess this kind of turned into a story, oh well.


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