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Re: Brooksi and violent copulation[almost] please read and let..

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Posted by John Q on April 18, 2003 at 22:40:43:

In Reply to: Brooksi and violent copulation[almost] please read and let.. posted by Nokturnel Tom on April 18, 2003 at 20:20:32:

Why separate them if their acting like they will breed? If the female is receptive, leave her and the male together. As far as violent. My male cal king will bite the females and hold them down while he gets it done. Both of my females will have a few bite marks on them from the final breedings.

:Let me know what you think. Brooksi pair, 4 ft,twitching tails and eating like pigs. I have been putting them together for about 2 weeks every other day and they're showing more and more interest until today they are going nuts. Both seemed to be flagging and doing things snakes do before they breed like crawling on each other and stuttering alongside each other. Now they're constricting each other, but not biting and every other minute they zoom into a new position and it looks like chaos in there! They're definitely not fighting but what i am curious is what i should do? I mean it's friday night and I can leave them in together for another 6 hours easily before I go to bed, but if they continue this chaotic behavior should I attempt to stay awake half the night and hope the male tires her out and has his way with her? Or don't sweat it and remove the male late tonight even if they're still acting like this and just try again tomorrow? This is the closest they've come to locking up so I am pretty wound up hoping they complete the mission. I won't leave them together overnight, but I will stay up all night if it is best to leave them together. Any advice? Tom

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