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Hi kerby, thanks for the advice!!

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Posted by SNAKESDJF on April 14, 2003 at 22:31:46:

In Reply to: Dave,............ posted by Kerby... on April 14, 2003 at 07:26:05:

hey kerby, thanks for the advice. they are the banded ones, (new mexico) not sure the exact locale, they are very small WC. i don't have many WC snakes, but i did get them and they are in quarantine in a different part of the house, lol. i will send a sample to the vet, and i may be lucky that they are fine. if they have a parasite they look so delicate and fragile to treat.
i was actually told that they are captive hatched. have you ever had any success breeding them? do they get larger than 12 inches?, thanks dave

::) Thanks Dave! I've kept ground snakes before. I've always used soil as a substrate at one end and moist vermiculite at the other end with small flat rocks half buried and stacked on each other (small pile). I would recommend using over-head heat instead of heat under the container. They feed readily on small crickets, grubs, etc.. I've never fed them spiders, centipedes or scorpions but I'm sure they eat them in the wild. I've never heard of them eating rodents. I used a small water dish (peanut butter jar lid) that was buried to the rim. Never saw them drink though :)

:They are beautiful snakes and come in different color patterns. Good luck with them.


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