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Re: gravid az mountain king

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Posted by rtdunham on April 13, 2003 at 21:32:08:

In Reply to: gravid az mountain king posted by bjsballs on April 13, 2003 at 18:25:57:

They'll hatch in around two months, plus or minus depending on the incubation temp. If it's easy for you to achieve, i'd recommend maybe 80 degrees F.

there are a multitude of ways to incubate. One easy way, which i use, is to incubate them in plastic tupperware containers (maybe 3/4 the volume of a plastic shoebox) in well-dampened sphagnum moss ("well dampened"=soak the sphagnum--which you can buy in bags at a garden supply store--and then wring it out by hand as much as you can). Set the eggs on top of the sphagnum and put on the lid. Don't drill holes in the container, that can let bugs in; just open the box every couple days and fan some fresh air in using the lid, and then close the box back up.

good luck! You'll want to separate the babies once they shed--these are king snakes, after all. You don't need to try feeding them until after their first shed, which will be around 10 days after hatching. Pyros aren't always aggressive feeders. I'd recommend trying live, newborn mouse pinkies a couple times; if after two-three weeks post-shed any of them still haven't eaten, try a dead, brained pinky. There are tips elsewhere in the literature and on the forums for getting picky babies to eat: your challenge right now is just getting them to hatch. Good luck!

albino tricolors

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