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Re: dead prey overrated?

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Posted by gyrfalcon on April 13, 2003 at 15:25:30:

In Reply to: dead prey overrated? posted by the nerve on April 11, 2003 at 12:41:42:

You're right, snakes don't have their meals served up to them in the wild. However, did you know that most snakes are opportunistic feeders? This means that they are very likely to eat dead animals in the wild. I work at a vet hospital, and I can't tell you how many snakes come in with horrible bites and scratches because the owner thought they were doing the right thing feeding them live prey.
The argument that you are trying to make about it being more "natural" is a very weak one. Do snakes in the wild get dewormed? no. But you do things like deworm your snake to keep it healthy. Do you give your snake fresh water everyday? most likely. Do they get fresh water on a daily basis in the wild? probably not. These are just a few examples of why your theory about eating live prey being more "natural," is innaccurate...

:Is feeding pre-killed mice to your snake overrated? Everyone recommends it cause it's safer for your snake. But in the wild, snakes don't get their meals all pre-served for them. They have to earn them, and kingsnakes often deal with prey much more dangerous then mice. Is feeding a live mouse every so often really that harmful?

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