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Posted by tigress on April 13, 2003 at 12:37:30:

In Reply to: Re: SNAKE ABUSE>>WHAT DO I DO>>> posted by cold_blooded on April 13, 2003 at 11:38:41:

Sheesh, some people.

And sounds like a really sucky store to work at.

My store is kinda sucky that they won't sell snake food, on the other hand according to our employee handbook anyways (it's a national chain of stores) we are supposed to refuse sale to some one if we don't think the animal is going to a good home (and that includes being fed to an animal, we aren't supposed to sell any of our animals for food (except crickets and fish)).

It's sad some people try to lie to get around that cause if they just told the truth I could direct them to petstores that they can honestly buy food for their snake/reptile whatever and it would be cheaper as the mice are bred for being food rather than pets.

I wish my store would get over its snake fear and allow the food and animals to be sold (it's their policy not to sell snakes or their food, the snakes because we don't carry the food and secondly they might scare people from our store and we want to have a friendly environment. Sadly enough I have at least heard one customer say she wouldn't go to our store if we had snakes. I don't get it, I'm afraid of spiders and I don't boycott stores because they happne to have them, in fact it's kind of neat to see this animal that freaks me out in a way i know it can't get to me).

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