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Re: Juvenile Kingsnake Disappearing Act

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Posted by sasheena on April 12, 2003 at 10:01:23:

In Reply to: Juvenile Kingsnake Disappearing Act posted by herper2003 on April 12, 2003 at 02:05:36:

Glad you found your missing king the easiest way of all -- not missing just misplaced INSIDE the cage. We weren't so lucky. We purchased an awesome 50-50 hatchling from Kerby Ross and put her in a newly purchased reptile cage with the special sliding lids, figured we didn't want the snake to get out of the kind of cage with the lid just placed on top. A week later, no snake. Finally realized there was a tiny hole for a wire or something to pass through... just big enough for her to get through. That was last fall. We've seen at least one recent shed this spring, so she's here somewhere. Probably eating the house geckos and escaped crickets that are in the room she escaped in. (wild house geckos, they like the house). We still hope to find her, but it was disheartening to go to all that trouble to get the little beauty, only to have her pull a disappearing act.


:I have recently purchased a juvenile California Banded Kingsnake and was unable to locate him inside his terrarium. I took everything out of it looking for it and was unsuccessful.
:We put mice in wire cages with an opening just large enough for the snake to enter. We had no snake the following morning and all that day until night time. Lo and behold, there was a kingsnake! We have since figured out that the snake had not escaped. The faux tree branch in his habitat has a hole just big enough for the snake. So, if you have any small snakes and can't find them, check your faux trees. Good luck to all cold-blooded fanatics.

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