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Mexican Black Kingsnake with lotsa yellow

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Posted by tigress on April 09, 2003 at 22:29:44:

Ok, question here for anyone who knows much about Mexican Black Kingsnakes. I have had one for five years. When I bought him he had a lot of yellow and white but I was told (and read) that sometiems they are born with some yellow but tend to grow out of it. He never did, sometimes it seems he gets more yellow and white on him. In fact, take a look at pictures of a black kingsnake and he looks a lot like that.

Is it possible a Mexican Black Kingsnake can have that much yellow and white (almost everything I've read on them seems to imply even when they do have other colors it's like a spot or two.. his is not just a spot or two, it's spots all along the bottom sides and around the mouthline)? Or was I just sold a black kingsnake renamed (because I was in Georgia at the time and black kingsnakes there are illegal)?

Not that it matters now (except I'm insanely jealous of anyone with a pure black mexican black kingsnake cause that's why I originally wanted that particular kingsnake) cause I already have him, but I'm just curious. He's got a great temperment though (part of why I was convinced to buy him despite he wasn't exactly what I was looking for, that and I did think that he probably would grow out of it as everything I read implied that even when born with yellow/white spots the spots eventually went away).

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