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my honest opinion

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Posted by SNAKESDJF on April 08, 2003 at 22:38:02:

In Reply to: Re: King in the classroom - What do you think? posted by Ace on April 05, 2003 at 22:34:31:

i think its great for taechers to have kingsnakes in theclassroom. it helps educate the kids and there parents about snakes. it also takes there fear away from them. i think that the teacher should also not let the children just open the tank and handle the snake freely anytime. snakes will get stressed out being handled for tto long and the teacher should hold the snake so the student can touch it, jus tto prevent a possible bite. mexican black kings are not dangerous, and are very tame, however snakes like people can be moody. the teacher should keep locks on the tank to prevent the kids from opening it up any time. the only other possible time the snake may bite is if one of the children has a pet mouse, rat or gerbil that they may have handled before coming to school. if they haven't washed there hands the scent on the kids hand may have the snake bite and mistaken the kids hand for food. you really don't have anything to worry about. i'm sure the teacher knows how to handle the snake and must have got permission from the school and mexican kingsnakes are beginner snakes and do not get large. just tell your child to wash his or her hands after handing the snake, good luck

: My son's 6th grade teacher has a Mexican Black that he lets
:the kids handle. I'd probably test the temperment of the snake
:before actually putting in the class. First by handling it
:myself for awhile, then finding a few "brave" test subjects
:just to make sure ;).

: Ace


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