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switching over to frozen may not be a problem

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Posted by SNAKESDJF on April 08, 2003 at 22:21:51:

In Reply to: California king feeding on live... posted by Solaris16 on April 08, 2003 at 18:19:02:

hello, the fisrt step should be once his acclimated to his new home try offering him a frozen mouse. you can also wiggle it and move it around a little with tongs (becareful don't get bit sometimes kings miss the target and bite the hand by accident) and see if he takes it. you can also try to offer him a live mouse and after he eats it follow up with a frozen mouse in the same time of feeding. usually cal kings have such a great feeding response that they will not hesitate to feed. you may be surprised that in this cal king may have eaten a few frozen meals in the past so may not hesitate to eat frozen. because you are not sure the history of the snake, it wouldnt hurt to have a stool sample done at the vet (only about 35/40 dollars) to check his health out, good luck let me know what happens, dave

:Hi Everyone!

:A friend of mine recently aquired an adult cali king who's been eating live it's whole life. This was on extremely short notice, his first snake, and he also has no prior experience with reptiles. I've had a corn snake for two years, as well as an adult iguana, but that's about as far as my hands on experience goes with reptiles. My friend is basically relying on me to help him learn how to care for this animal, and I'm not completely sure what to do about the problem of the snake feeding live.

:Any pointers on how to switch it over to f/t would be great. I also don't know how well the animal was taken care of previously. Thanks! Wendy:)

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