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This is a Drymarchon, and....(a long story...or 2)

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Posted by lynex17 on March 03, 2003 at 13:45:43:

well basically,
i got "tagged" if you can call it that. i'll just get into the story....
well, i had a friend on his way over for the first time to my apt. so of course i'm running round cleaning and what not and of course my blacktail ALWAYS(!!!!!)needs cleaned out. Right now, he's in a sweater box. i've got two so i can clean one out while he's in the other. so i got the clean one set up, and then i pulled him out and decided to admire him for about a minute. i was just watching him slither from arm to arm as he tried to get away from me. so i turn my attention back to finishing his sweater box and he bit my arm. it didn't reall hurt much, the pinch of it hurt more than the teeth. i didn't pull him off as i've heard this can damage the teeth so i just kinda stood there watching him chew on my arm for 2 seconds. then when he was done i put him back in his sweater box. I always thought that if he did bite me it would hurt worse than it did (BTW he's about 4-4.5ft.) can their bites be more serious??

story two---one of the two aforementioned sweaterboxes has a whole in it about 2 inches round. (a rock fell on it while i was cleaning it...) i have been using it like this for probly the last 2 months i'd say. i just taped over it (some handy-dandy scotch tape) and kept using it. well, the morning after my last story. i was lying in bed still when heard some foil rustling. (i've got my 01 jungle carpet in an aquarium and the foil over about 90% of the screen keeps humidity a little higher). i look over and he is on top of my python cage. it took me a second to assess the situation and i jumped up and went over there. he watched me come over to him and let me pick him up without trying to get away at all. i walked over to his sweater box thinking maybe i pushed it in too far into the rack and he got out the back, but then i saw the whole. crazy...
i'm guessing he was over there trying to get into the python cage because he smelled the rat that had been sitting in there for 2 days (did you read my other post yet about the [not a Drymachon but...]). i wonder how long he was out slithering around my apt?

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