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Posted by ig_daddy on May 09, 2003 at 10:21:24:

In Reply to: Behavior posted by fdlchurch on May 09, 2003 at 00:08:30:

:Ok, I have heard a lot of folks say that the little ones are hard to handle and will always try to get away.

Our Iggi never tried to run aways from us. We bought her at about 6 months old. Whenever we would put our arms in the enclosure, she would jump on them abd crawl up our arm.

My little guy doesn't try to get away when I pick him up and when I hold him he closes both his eyes and seems to go to sleep.

This may be his way of tuning you out, if he gets too stressed. Check the other eye to see if its open. Sometimes they will just close the eye nearest you.

In the beginning he used to try to get away from me but now he seems ok. He has been eating ok and moves around a bit, but he is mostly lazy and hangs around in his basking area. Is he sick?

Nope, sounds pretty normal to me.

Is that why he doesn't put up a fight?

You're one of the lucky owners who have a sweet natured baby ig. Just hold him lots, and carry him around on you (So he associates your smell and voice with security). As he grows up riding around on you, you'll find that you don't have to "hold" him, as dicussed in the Kaplan, and Hatfeild books. Your ig will simply sit or lay on you however feels the most comfortable.

The only time he seems to freak out is when he spots the dog. Oh and he tried to bite my husbands nose off the other night! Now that was funny! hee, hee!

We always tried to let Iggi know that that behavior was bad, by tapping her nose, and saying "bad lizard!". We don't let threatening behavior intimidate us.

Lamar, Debbie, Nathaniel and Iggi :>~

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