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a few tricks...

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Posted by nate351 on May 08, 2003 at 21:04:58:

In Reply to: calming down Irish posted by kg on May 08, 2003 at 17:04:03:

One I learned with my iguanas and have since applied to my sugar gliders: when they are eyeing something to jump to, spin in a circle, or keep moving. This disorients them for a second, and they decide not to jump. This also works if he is climbing down your back to go for a stroll. Since igs like to be up high in order to feel secure (hence his love for your head), spinning in a circle will make him return to your shoulders or head rather than jump or climb down.

Also, if the little bugger is too fast to catch while running at Mach 3 accross the carpet, chase him into the kitchen or bathroom. It is sort of funny to see them try to run on linoleum - sort of like me trying to run on ice. The faster he runs, the slower he goes as he has no traction. this will enable you to catch him. I have found that scrambling on the linoleum stresses them as they don't like the inability to move, so if you step in front of them, the grab purchace on your pant legs, and climb back up. Good way to condition them to be comfortable with you.

Just a thought.

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