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I'm tempted to say-

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Posted by girlzilla on May 07, 2003 at 13:37:12:

In Reply to: How do I go about re-homing an iguana posted by MatthewT on May 07, 2003 at 10:25:59:

:How would I go about it, if I wanted to find a quality home?

I'm tempted to say that you don't. But I don't know your situation, maybe it's that one in a gazillion where there's actually a really good reason for giving up your iguana. Although I've never seen one. It is really pretty hard to find quality homes, or even not-quality homes, especially if your ig is older. If he's a youngun, and has no wounds or deformities from disease, it's going to be a lot easier.

I would go the the green iguana society's web page. They place iguanas for adoption, but do not rescue most of them, per se. You would house and feed the iguana, and they would have him up on their adoption site. When a new owner is found, you would have some say in it, and either ship him, drive him, or the new owner would pick him up. Depends on what you all work out.

So, what's going on with you two? How come you need a new home for your ig? Maybe we can help? Reasons I've heard are
1) Having a baby 2)Aggressiveness and 3)Loss of interest. There is help for any of these!

Good luck finding a home, but I hope you can work things out.

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