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Sunning cage questions for bigtattoo or others!!

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Posted by stephiesoo on May 02, 2003 at 15:14:44:

Okay a while back Bigtattoo posted a link to a sunning cage at it looks like a really great cage. It was supposed to cost about $60 to make and I realize this depends on where you get the supplies. We priced the supplies here and it ran about $100 and I don't think that was including everything! Well we want to make the cages as cost efficient as possible hecause we are building three of them for iguanas ranging from 2 1/2 foot to 4 1/2 feet. We want them to be able to last!!! We are going to be going to St Joe or KC to Lowe's and Sutherland's to check out prices and I wanted as many ideas as possible before then. We already know all the PVC pipes and stuff are cheaper there.

1) Bigtattoo if you answer where did you get your supplies??
2) What is the biggest openings in the hardware cloth/mesh etc that would be safe?
3) What gauge would be best to make it sturdy enough but able to stretch to fit tight?
4) I haven't been able to find green coated chicken mesh at all the only I've found around here is the basic chicken mesh that has sharp edges OUCH!! Any other ideas?
5) If anyone else has any ideas for cheap to make sunning cages let me know. Since we are building three and are only able to use them for 4-6 months out of the year depending on weather we don't want them to cost too much. We already went all out on their indoor cages and they aren't something we can use outdoors!!

Help, help help!! Let me know as soon as possible so we can get them done to get sunlight as soon as possible and THANKS ahead of time!


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