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WHERE did you get your 400w power converter??

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Posted by ig_daddy on May 02, 2003 at 11:48:27:

In Reply to: WHERE did you get your 400w power converter?? posted by girlzilla on April 30, 2003 at 10:40:01:

: I was thinking one day... wouldn't it be nice if there was this gadget you plug into your cigarette lighter that you could run a heating pad off of? HA HA HA! I am thrilled the hear you say they exist!! Thanks!

You're welcome. I bought mine from Wal-Mart. They had various sizes, from 75W up to 1000W. I chose 400W to be well above the hightest wattage I thought I would use. The heating pad is only 65W. You might also consider a heated throw. This is like a very small electric blanket, that is much larger than a heating pad. It would cover the inside of even the largest pet carrier. A nice feature of the power converter, is that you can buy small portable, rechargable batteries used to jump start cars, and plug the power converter into this. We use a baby stroller, with the battery underneath it, the power converter plugged into the battery, powering a heating pad inside a medium sized pet carrier, which is bungee-corded onto the top of the carrier. This allows us to take Iggi with us shopping, and outdoors, while being kept warm by the electric heating pad. The carrier faces forward, so she can see where she's going. Back home, we just recharge the battery. Ours is a 17 Amp-Hr battery, with 2 cigarette lighter outlets.

Lamar, Debbie, Nathaniel and Iggi :~


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