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Lizard's first real sun for the year

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Posted by ig_daddy on April 29, 2003 at 11:49:52:

In Reply to: Lizard's first real sun for the year posted by Kate on April 28, 2003 at 17:48:24:

Well, I wasn't about to let him go free outside, so of course I stopped him.

I would recommend you allow him to walk around outside, for a few minutes at first. Stay very close to him, to keep him from eating things he shouldn't (plastic trash, or Azealea leaves), and so he feels safe, that birds aren't going to get him.

He started croc rolling, tail-whipping, and gaping his mouth. I had to wrestle him and cover him with a towel (which I had brought along just for that purpose) to get him still enough so I could carry him back inside. Could hear him hissing from under the towel, but he wasn't trying to get loose anymore. Once back inside he was nice and calm, like usual...

He was loving being outside, and was mad when you wouldn't let him down. We take Iggi out a couple times a day. We have planted turnips and collards so she can nibble on them. We love to see her wiggle and "swim" in the dirt of the garden we have in the front yard.

Lamar. Debbie, Nathaniel and Iggi :~

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