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Re: Iguanas, Boa constrictors, and QUESTIONS....

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Posted by Flavia Guimaraes on April 14, 2003 at 01:08:17:

In Reply to: Iguanas, Boa constrictors, and QUESTIONS.... posted by Bammer on April 14, 2003 at 00:54:19:

In my humble opinion you should not put an iguana in the same room with a predator.Mainly a snake!Your iguana will be VERY stressed and stress can mean death to iguanas.This would be another horrible mistake.Iguanas are very easy to get stressed!
:Interesting title, eh? Well... I am wanting an Iguana. I have had 2 before(back when I was younger) and they both ended up as horrible mistakes. My knowledge has grown since then, and I have had many lizards and snakes, now all snakes.

:First off, I live with my family, since I am still a minor, and I am lucky enough to have 2 rooms. My room where I sleep, and my Snake room, where they sleep. I own some large boa constrictors that I am pretty sure, if they were wild caught, would have eaten small iguanas. Here is my first question, If I kept an iguana in the same room as my boas, would the iguana be scared or at least more jumpy due to the fact a natural predator would be in the room? (I am researching every possibly aspect before I add an iguana to my home)

:And here are the random iguana questions I have for all you great people with iguans. Is temperment decided pretty much Iguana to Iguana? How big do females get? Is a 5ft Long, 6ft high, 3ft wide custom built cage big enough for an adult female Iguana?
: Ok, thank you for your time. And I plan to do so much more research before and if I get one.

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