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Sulcatas!?!?! Soooooo coooool!

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Posted by IGUANA JOE on April 11, 2003 at 10:33:37:

In Reply to: New owner posted by adiajsl on April 10, 2003 at 23:27:43:

I love those things! A guy I knew at a pet store (he was very good with the reptiles there) had a friend whose sulcata literally rammed through a steel cage! He said they're like armored tanks! I wish I could get one, Bu I don't have the grazing space and the ability to give them that much food.

Anyways, about your iguana. If it's too small for accurate sexing, go for a unisex name like "Pat" (remember that mesed up movie? lol).

Avoid unecessary contact for a little while, give it time to adjust to its new cage, in-door/out-door noises, and you! Only come in and reach inside the cage during feeding, cleaning, misting and changing water.

How big is the current enclosure? The bigger the better. Even when juveniles, it is better and more economical to start with an adult-sized cage.

After about a week or two you can start "socializing" with the animal, interacting etc. A lot of people recommend starting from outside the cage, and just hand around, talk to it, so it ges used to ur voice, and sees that u'r no threat.

If possible, make ur enclosure so that it can be opened from below. If u reach in from above, it might scare it. Begin by gentle petting inside the cage. This can take a few weeks or more to get it accustomed to you.

Eventually, it should get the idea that u dont wanna eat it, and become more relaxed. That's when you can start handling it.

Let us know how it goes, and what ur cage setup is like.


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