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how to tell if a female is egg bound?...

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Posted by cktrj on April 11, 2003 at 08:28:51:

ok, I'm new to this forum but am looking for help. my husband and I inherited an iguana from some friends last May. we don't know the age (because they didn't know). our best guess is 3-5 years old. anyway...when our friends got her, they were told she was a he. as you can tell this is not true. we found that out the hard way...she started laying eggs. she laid her first egg Wed night. laid 2 more last night/early this morning. but she just looks very tired and looks like she has more in her. I'm used to my corn snakes and beardies so this is all new to me. how can you tell if she is egg bound? any ideas to help her? we know the eggs are not fertile because she has been an only "iguana child" for at least 2 years. thanks in advance for all your help!!

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