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Re: Conservation stuff

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Posted by Brian-SFCRC on April 10, 2003 at 07:25:38:

In Reply to: Conservation stuff posted by PHFaust on April 09, 2003 at 23:22:04:



Hello, Although the SFCRC works largely with the conservation and propagation of Corucia iquana, We are also intersted in Iquanids. Primarily the Fiji Island iquana, which through convergence has taken the same Trophic Level as Corucia zebrata. Also, we take an interest in the rescue of 'feral' Southern Florida Greens which either escaped or were released into the wild.

Yes, The SFCRC would appreciate updates, are in return we would be happy to share anything with you.

Glad your out there. Keep up the good work!


:So as some of you may have read, Jiffypop and I were both very priveledged this weekend to hold a C. Bakeri, which is a Utila Island Spiny Tailed Iguana. Having the friends that I do, I deal with conservation issues and give them more money than I can probably afford.

:This made me wonder this weekend, what people here know about the various other conservation efforts going on to protect other Iguanas like the Utila and the Grand Caymen Blues. I also wondered if many green owners actually knew of the efforts going on. It also made me wonder how many green owners know the many other different kinds of Iguanas out there simply because we rarely see then in the pet trade.

:So tell me, What do you know, what do you want to know, do you need resources and links to sites to learn what is happening, do you want to be kept updated as to what is going on in the world of the iguanids. Im interested to hear things.


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