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Re: Artificial insemination? >> Sure why not?

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Posted by DogStar on December 03, 2002 at 17:29:44:

In Reply to: Artificial insemination? posted by Kat on December 02, 2002 at 12:37:40:

I have seen pics of male snakes with hemipenes completely inverted and engorged, I think the next rational step is creating an artificial vagina for that, doesn't sound too hard, Horse AV's are pretty fancy but often dog AV's are nothing more than a clean latex glove.
Rams can be stimulated to ejaculate by electric current in their rectum.
Something tells me it is very possible, might be harder than mammals but they do it in birds all the time. With falcons they get the male riled up and then grab him and kinda milk out the sperm. (one method I know of I am sure there are others)
My thoughts are kinda along the line of getting a male snake riled up with a female of the same species then switching the females, why not grab the male and see if you can coax something out? Lol.
I'm sure someone somewhere either will or has done it!


:Has anyone tried artificial insemination with snakes or reptiles at all? If it's possible and practical, it strikes me as an easier/safer method of producing hybrids than playing mind games with the snakes involved...especially when making kingsnake X whatever hybrids and the like. I guess the biggest issue would be getting the sperm from the male snake, but perhaps allowing mating to take place in some sort of substrate-less plastic tub and then collecting any sperm that's left behind in the tub might work... then using that with another female... Thoughts?

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