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Posted by Boaboy00 on February 03, 2003 at 08:46:36:

In Reply to: one mistake, two snakes and a dozen cops posted by ZX1100 on February 01, 2003 at 21:26:23:

: One day, a few years back, I proceded to clean cages. Having cleaned the smaller snakes' pens, I moved on to the pen that held an 18ft retic and 8ft burm. I decided to repaint it and becuase the pen is very large, I had my exwife { married at the time } watch after the snakes in the house. They are dog tame. I painted, paint dried.
: I asked my wife where the burm was {retic easy to find} and she said in the living room. No, it wasn't. We, along with her daughters, searched for hours for it. I seached under the house, tore out walls and uprooted floors. No snake.
: Next, we split up and searched the yard and under and around neighbors' houses. Still no snake.
: Ok, call the police. This decided so if anyone came acrossed it, I'd be notified.
: I called and explained the chain of events and that I lost an 8 ft python. Calmly, the lady said she'd sent out "someone". I hung up and waited outside.
:A few minutes later:
: There was a helicopter flying overhead, when suddenly there were police cars everywhere. Lights and sirens, even.
: People showed up and evacuated the neighborhhod. Ambulances screaming.GBI. ATF. Newsfolk. Me- in handcuffs- in a cruiser.
: Then a sargent reading my rights.What went wrong???
: In my phone conversation with dispatch, the nice old lady understood me to say " I need help. I lost an 8ft PIPEBOMB"!!

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