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Posted by herpetological on January 30, 2003 at 00:00:47:

Been doing this for 30 years lots of interesting stories and Neil turned me onto to this forum. Guess I have to put a few dues in. Here goes: Spring 91' Fl. Keys. Still chilly lots of transients.(Bums, homeless politically correct I'm not) we had been collecting specimens for a study. We decided to collect racers for feeders to King C's. We had 20-25 specimens in a bag in the back. Of course I had the paranoid snake hating(discomforted) wife with me. She was always saying, "check the bags for holes I know somethings going to get out!" Of course my reply,"nothings going to get out". Starts getting hot so snakes get more active and you guessed it, they are out. But, only on the back deck next to the rear window. I look in the mirror and see nothing but racers in the rear view trying to get out the rear window. Nothing going foward yet! She doesn't know that they are out.(Hasn't turned around) So I try the non-chalant pull to the side of the road and make a quick wide grab and maybe she wouldn't know thing!! As i'm doing this I happen to notice that a hitch-hicker is on the side of the road. Anyway of course she looks back, the racers go nuts, she bolts out of the car. I am grabbing racers by the handful when I look back through the window and see the hitch-hiker running towards the car. As he gets closer, he notices the snakes everywhere. He slows to a stop 10 feet from the car and stops. I ask if he's alright and he replies, " I needed a ride but i'll just run with her!" Ray HBR

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