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Posted by Squee on November 14, 2002 at 22:30:54:

In Reply to: Re: 2 FUNNY herp, one not, but still hilarious... posted by gomezvi on November 12, 2002 at 11:14:35:

I see your point, and I understand that the pain of any living thing isn't funny in ht eleast, thats why I help them, but, then, you could turn that around. I always try my best to see the bright side of things. As I was sitting there bleeding, I realized that this would juts be another interesting tale to tell. I wouldn't have put it in the humor forum if the squirrel wasn't ok...she is, and she demonstrates that every day, trust me! I thought MY pain was funny, because I just don't find my pain NOT humorous...I mean, I was sittng there, with a bloody glove, yeling at my brother and trying to put the squirrel was funny, trust me, but, I made sure Rocky was ok before I did anything to my own wound, although it did ge pretty badly infeced. See...its funny..I don't know why, I juts find it humorous, because it was MY pain...Don't ask me why...ahem, see ya

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