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Posted by Steven on July 19, 2002 at 10:02:40:

Hello, I thought I'd tell you a story I heard on a Tv show, called AMAZING ANIMALS or something like that.


There was a lady who heard a kitten meowing, in a pipe that led somewhere. (Sorry I don't remeber much of it!)

Well, she just had to save the cat meowing, and meowing up a storm. She finally called the police, and soon both police and firemen had come to her house to save the meowing cat.

What they did first was cut a huge whole in the lady's wall to where the pipe was,and cut the pipe(Alot of damage, alot of money!)They then stuck a hose down the pipe from where it came out of the roof. AS they did and felt the kitten it meowed, and meowed even more.

Finally they got the kitten down far enough so a firefighter good lift him out.

What did they find?
A treefrog!!!

I can't remember the name of it,(Sorry)the meowing was it's call, and when the hose went down poor thing thought it was a snake.

Everyone was left laughing, exept the owner of the house...
They then called down a few sanctuary trucks down, just too release it... (STupid)

Thought this may give you a smile,

Ps: What did you think the meowing was when I started,
personally as soon as the story began on the televesion, I knew it had to be a treefrog.

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