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update on not eating HL

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Posted by Les4toads on April 25, 2003 at 21:29:20:

In Reply to: update on not eating HL posted by ugh on April 25, 2003 at 21:01:46:

::I've tried all the ants from outside and the Harvester ants and none of them work. I have also maimed them still he won't eat them. He will go after crickets though and sometimes he will go after the ants but he won't eat them. I am in fear of his safty. Also he is not full grown he is about 2 inches would that have anything to do with it. If you have already answered this question I am sorry.

:He has been stung i think maybe 3 times by the ants and i know it says that there immune and everything but he has become less active now and hasn''t moved much. PLEASE REPLY ASAP! This is getting me very worried.

:First off, do you know what species of horned lizard you have? Second, what state do you live in? Third, was this horned lizard bought from a pet store or wild collected? Do you have any idea what kind of ants you are attempting to feed the horned lizard? By the size of the horned lizard that you describe, it sounds like a first season hatchling. The kind of ants required are more specific to the species and size of the horned lizard. Hatchling horned lizards, through their first year, do not eat the same kind of ants that adult, late second year and older, eat. There are at least 35 different kinds of harvester ant that the different species of horned lizards will eat. There are several species of ant that the horned lizards will not eat. If you can provide more info to the questions asked above, I will see if I can help more. Lester G. Milroy III

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