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Posted by lisak on March 23, 2003 at 09:49:21:

Well, I had given up on my baby horned lizard as I turned the light on for about 5 days (this was over a month ago) and he never came out. I just figured he had died because he hadn't eaten anything since before Christmas. I left his terrarium alone for a month, meaning to take it out to the garage. Then 2 weeks ago, he came out! He has to be at least 6 months old now, because that is how long I've had him. Here's my question: He still will not eat Harvester ants. He is afraid of them. He will go to another part of his terrarium or bury himself. He's living on Argentine ants I order. I'm worried that the Argentine ants aren't nutritious enough. He's grown very little since I've had him. He loves tiny crickets, so I give him a few once a week. Does anyone know why he won't eat the harvesters? They are smaller than the crickets. Help! Lisa

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