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Re: Need a little help

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Posted by amylp on October 18, 2002 at 10:01:46:

In Reply to: Re: Need a little help posted by lisak on October 18, 2002 at 08:43:19:

Hi Lisa,
I tried the "other ant" idea on day one. But he didn't even notice them! I think most of them escaped, they were plain black ants from my garden (they do bite, though!)
I picked apart a bolus of this lizard's poo, and it was full of red ant heads and abdomens, big ones, so I know he was eating this size at some point in the wild. He ate a few on Wednesday (I watched him, he can handle them fine), and is definitely fatter than when we brought him home. I'll be really careful not to spook it when they are in the habitat with it.

Thanks for answering me!

Picture link attached. Is yours smaller, or bigger? I'm still pretty worried about this little guy.

I am not trying to feed him crickets anymore.

(I feel weird saying it and he when I don't know what I've got.)


:Amy, I have a baby that I have had for 4 weeks. I'm guessing he was only about one or two weeks when I found him. He is still too small for the harvester ants. He actually runs from them. He will eat any other smaller ant I put in there. This is how I collect them: I keep a plastic covered container with a small amount of sand in the bottom in my refrigerator. I put a clear jar with a bit of peanut butter in the bottom, near where there are ants in my yard. When there are ants in it, I get my container from the refrigerator, open it, and knock the ants in the jar into the container, quickly closing the lid. Keep them in the refrigerator and then, even when you have lots of ants in there, they will stay asleep long enough for you to take them out to the yard to add more ants. When it's feeding time I will put about 50 sleeping ants in with the HL. I stay nearby because these ants can climb out and I have to knock them off of the glass. HLs protect themselves from ants by being very still, if you scare the HL while he has an ant on or near him, he will move and the ant will sting him. So, no quick movements while you are feeding him. I'm hoping he'll be big enough for harvester ants by the time my yard ants hibernate. It's a hassle, but it's the only way I have found.I hope this helps. Lisa


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