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Re: Latest about lizard not moving legs

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Posted by billshorneys on September 19, 2002 at 17:08:50:

In Reply to: Latest about lizard not moving legs posted by insectiachick2 on September 19, 2002 at 09:18:06:

:I just got back from the vet where I found out my HL Alli has a nutritional hyperarathyroidism. He is lacking calcium in his diet. They call this condition swimmer since they look like they are flat on their tummies and flailing their legs like they are swimming.

:Calcium is not only important for bones but for also muscle movement. That is why his legs stay out to the side he can’t move his muscles enough to stand on them. Lack of calcium can also affect their bowel movements since the muscles are moving enough to push food along the digestive track.

:Alli got a vitamin D shot and some neocalglucon syrup for supplemental calcium. The shot did wonders on the way home he was more active than he has been in awhile and he pooped for the first time in several days. I have to give him and his two other buddies a small drop of the neocalglucon syrup on his lips every day. Hopefully he will back to his old lizard self in 6-8 weeks.

:Here are the other things the vet said I should do:

:1. Every day a calcium supplement (this needs to be calcium only NO Phosphorus or Vitamin D3)

:2. Two to three times a week give them multivitamin with D3
:and mineral supplement. He said Herptivite is the best

:3. A broad spectrum Ultraviolet light and some sunlight when ever possible.

:Hope this helps


Hi Christy,
So glad to hear your Horneys are doing better. Thanks so much for the info on what the Dr found, did and reccomemded for your guys. I will concentrate more on supplimenting my guys diet with calcium and vitamins. Keep us posted.


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