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Re: help? Dump the Calci-Sand?

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Posted by billshorneys on September 02, 2002 at 16:37:18:

In Reply to: Re: help? Dump the Calci-Sand? posted by Les4toads on August 25, 2002 at 14:27:34:

::Lester, I have a mixture of calci-sand and play sand, can you tell me what the benefit is from getting wash sand?

::The benefits are that there are no impurities, chemical residue from processing calci-sand, from mixing. There are natural mixes in wash sand where HLs are typically found in the wild. Even though there is probably a guarantee of purity or lack of contanimants, I tend to doubt it. I use only the natural materials where HLs are found and have had no problem for over 15 years. There is also the possibility of too much calcium intake by HLs from this calci-sand mix. I do not use supplements for my HLs, except periodic liquid vitimins in water for about a week or two during mating season and for gravid females. The dosage is about 1/100 the suggested. Lester G.Milroy III
Are you guessing about calci-sand being bad for H/L because they may get to much calcium, or do you have any real facts about it? I think the lizards body will absorb what it requires in calcium and discard the rest! I have read in fact sheets about the care of HL and they say calci-sand is fine for a substrate. When you don't have access to natural sand they live in it's a problem getting it! I have heard some bad experiences using the desert sand high in silica (glass) It can cause compaction. It may very well be if they don't get enough exercise in captivity they can get plugged up with sand! Does anyone have any real bad experiences using Calci-sand? Bill.

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