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to ReptileFreak18(also anyone else)

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Posted by Chad on June 09, 2002 at 18:31:01:

Ok being from oklahoma you should be able to answer this question for me, I have always ordered my ants from ants alive but now i am thinking of doing something different?

Are the ants we have here Harvesters (the big ugly red ones)
can they be fed to my coming Desert Horned lizards

and as we know shipping queens is illegal but you may remember a few and i mean a few years ago you would see the wingless new queens looking for spots to start new colonys? I cant remember what time of year that is. But my thinking is to take 6-7 and put them in large drums filled with dirt. and although not optimum hope to get a self sustaining colony or two of ants out of the deal?


A few years ago i saw a be hive built into a house, where the bees had a landing pad outside that allowed them to come and go
and you could basically watch the entire hive from the inside of your living room? (Kool Concept) so how bout designing a ant hill like that. I have the plans drawn up on my computer (very basic) since i am no artist. But its a 4'T x 3'W and 1" deep made out of Plexiglass or glass. Kinda like a very large Uncle Miltons ANT FARM

Any thoughts on this.

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