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You make me laugh... (LOL)......

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Posted by kerry on February 19, 2002 at 16:26:42:

In Reply to: Re: Judge, Jury, and Executioner...... posted by John on February 19, 2002 at 14:02:19:

" I have no input. Theres only so much thsat can be said about the captive care of Gilas/Beadeds. "

>>> OK, then why do we have this forum if nobody has anything to say? I believe that this forum should cover the complete spectrum of "light" concerning Heloderma, and not be limited to just the "Show and Tell Time" pre-school mentality that you appear to be suggesting. People are improving the "art" of husbandry all of the time, surely you don't mean to imply that YOU have all of the answers and thus no room for improvement.


" Been there, done that? Been where and done what? You saw a few Gilas in the wild. People living in the Gilas natural range see them all the time on accident. Big deal. Come back when u have some input other than that they make nice little markings in the dirt. "

>>> You haven't been listening... either that or you just don't want to hear it. I have seen far more than just "a few gilas in the wild". I have seen them in the wild in every state they occur in except for California and Sinaloa, Mexico. You are for the most part incorrect in stating that people living in the range of the Gila Monster see them all of the time. Most people NEVER see them, a few people see them occasionally, and a very few people see them regularly... these would be the people who are looking for them, such as some of the "herpers" living in or near their habitat. And yes, it IS a "big deal" to most of those who experience it. Sounds like you might just be a little bit jealous, to me. I have offered a lot more input than the "nice little markings in the dirt" that you are claiming, in fact I didn't even post that pic in this forum, did I? (LOL). Perhaps a little "anger management" therapy would be appropriate for you... (LOL)


" You can't even tell someone from experience how to scoop Gila turds out of the substrate! I'm sorry Kerry but you just aren't as great as you think you are. And your knowledge on Gilas really isn't that vast. What do you know that anyone who reads a few books or owns Gilas doesn't know? I'm done going back and forth with you about you. Go act like an a$$ on the field collecting forum like you usually do and leave this one as is. "

>>> John, John, John...... I seem to be shoveling your "CRAP" up just fine, what makes you think I couldn't handle cleaning up after the far less "venomous" Heloderms? (LOL) I don't quite get what you mean by your assumption that I think I'm "great"(whatever that means). All I've done was try to share the benefit of my experience, and in your case that appears to be with the "ungrateful". Knowledge gained from reading books does not equate to experience, it only gives you an informed place to start applying it to in the REAL WORLD. That being said, you have your answer as to how much I might REALLY know about the life history of the Gila Monster. I'm glad for your sake that you're through with going back and forth in your "tantrum", you don't need to make yourself look like any more the @$$ that you are accusing me of being. BTW, the field collecting forum chews up and spits out people like you on a regular basis... This forum is "beneath" most of those who participate there... Your suggestion has been noted... it may not be such a bad idea after all.

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