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actually kerry...............

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Posted by steve on February 13, 2002 at 01:55:49:

In Reply to: Interesting...... posted by kerry on February 12, 2002 at 23:00:11:

: ......that you had that kind of painful reaction to a "feeding response" bite, given that Heloderma don't normally use their venom for anything but defense. Just imagine what it might have been like if the lizard had been out sunning when approached, immediately going into the defensive mode and releasing venom, then grabbing hold like a tenacious Pit Bull with only one thing on it's primitive little mind... SURVIVAL!!! Welcome to the "Fires of Hell"... (LOL)

it all started after i had fed her an initial meal. she soon was sprinting out the front door of the cage and i carelessly tried to shoe her back in. thats when the little monster latched onto my finger. it was stuck on my finger for approx. 3-4 minutes. it dangled from hand, and started biting down repeatedly on my finger. you know that look they get when they have something in there mouth and they don't want to let it go. i finally just ended up ripping it off of my finger. it tool me a couple of days to get all the little teeth out from under my skin where it had clamped down. this was definately a learning experience for me but was it in no way going to be an obstacle in keeping my favorite kind of happy little lizard

ps....keep the wild gila pic's rollin.......i really enjoy the wild snap shots over captive bred ones....thanks and keep em rollin kerry!!

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