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Posted by oldherper on May 01, 2003 at 15:50:53:

In Reply to: Wanting a GTP.....need some(lots of) advice posted by Zazanak on May 01, 2003 at 14:50:53: buy Chondros in your back yard. Signal Herps has some outstanding quality Chondros. When you say you want to do everything for $300.00 including the cage, does "everything" mean including the snake, too? If so, you are probably out of luck. In most cases a baby Chondro is going to cost more than $300.00 by itself, especially captive bred animals. You can probably do the cage and furnishings for not much more than $300.00 if you build your own cage for a display cage. You can set up with plastic tub or something like that for considerably less.

Chondros are not particularly difficult to keep if you are familiar with the little idiosyncracies, but can be a definite challenge to breed successfully.

:Ok, im really wanting a GTP, one of the yellow Aru locale ones. Im planning on purchasing a baby at the end of the summer if my cash supply isn't completly depleted from vacations in the nest couple of months :) Anyways, if anyone could give me a list of what I would need for him as a baby and adult, i would be very grateful. Ive seen people keeping them in plastic tubs from walmart untill they turn yearlings. Thats all fine and dandy, I was going to get a vision cage for him over the summer and get everything set up for him. Only reason I want advice from everyone is because I recently purchased a redtail boa baby and have everything done for him like ive been told to, all down to a T, and now im fighting a R.I. in him(which is going away!). :( I don't want that to happen to such an expensive snake like the GTP. I want to build a pretty advanced system for him, automatic misters and heat controlled branches and all. If anyone has any good do-it-yourself links id be soooo happy. I want this snake to love his home and have very little stress. I thinks thats whats wrong with my boa, just too much stress from the trip here and settling in the new place. Not to mention the weather in florida is a bit different then the weather here in Cleveland, TN. Like i said, it will be awhile till the snake is purchased, just want to get his juvinile and adult stuff done and ready for when the time comes, always like being prepared when im putting somethings life in my hands. Thanks for any help i recieve! Im only a soon to be graduating highschool student, so if everything can be done on a budget it'd be nice. I was hoping I could do everything, including cage for around 300.


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