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Posted by conservationist on April 22, 2003 at 09:22:04:

In Reply to: Starter posted by Natrix_natrix on April 19, 2003 at 16:15:33:

My best pet snake was a california kingsnake. Some snakes just tolerate being handled, but she apparently liked being handled. When her cage was opened, she'd always climbed into my hands, was always very calm while doing so, and never even tempted to bite. I raised her from a hatchling and held her pretty much every day. They're not very expensive, if you can get them from a breeder (probably $15-$20), and there are quite a few different morphs. Mine was a desert phase.

Anyway, I hope this helps.

:Iīve read lots of posts about first snake choices but still couldnīt decide.
:Iīve worked in a pet shop and had my first contact with a lampropeltis triangulum ?????.
:it looked like a 5' scarlet but i donīt know which one it was...
:I picked her (female) ONLY once.
:honestly, she made me lose a little bit of interest about snakes. she was a bit jumpy and nervous...
:I started reading and started to like other types of snakes(boas and pythons).
:Assuming I want a small to medium snake than doesn't bite, should I get a ball python or a rosy boa? (CB of course, and assuming they are eating)

:Thank you all answers!

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