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LOL.. thats dangerous, but you know that ..(more)

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Posted by genaroleon on April 08, 2003 at 14:49:06:

In Reply to: Ball Python that eats live mice! posted by norvolt on April 08, 2003 at 14:02:17:

Will the snake allow you to put its head upside-down on a table?? If so does it stay like that for a while or does it immediatly fix itself - how about the whole entire body, would it let you place it on its back?? When you say fuzzy are you talking about a rat fuzzy? I ask this becuae a 2 year old python which is still on mice fuzzies.... just seems a little odd to me.

:I have never seen this before. I have a Ball that I got about 3 weeks ago that I have never seen eat before. It was given to me by a guy who was going off to college and couldn't care for it anymore. It is a 2 year old Male appears healthy in all aspects. I asked if it was eating well and he said yes it eats one fuzzy a week. I asked if he prekilled them or not and he said not that the snake does.

:Well after I had him for 3 weeks I decided it was time to see if he would take food so I placed a fuzzy in its cage and watched. The python took its time checking out its prey, about 15 mins. Then it just grabed ahold of it backwards and ate it alive. Now I know that snakes will eat prey backwards sometimes but I have never seen one take prey alive and kicking.

:I have had ball pythons for several years now and thought I heard it all. Just seeing if anyone else heard of this or know if anything could be wrong.

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