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Posted by Oilfan94 on February 05, 2003 at 09:12:32:

In Reply to: Ball Pyton Eating Possibly Scared of prey posted by Cranky on February 04, 2003 at 14:13:18:

I agree with Hotshot. You should get your snake eating frozen thawed mice ASAP. Even if the snake constricts the mouse, it could still inflict a serious injury. Your are lucky that your snake is just not eating rather than not living. That being are some tips to try.

Leave the f/t mouse in a small container with the snake, over night if need be. Maybe it will just take the f/t mouse if you wiggle it around like it's alive. Try feeding a live fuzzy (too small to do any damage) and then offer a f/t mouse of appropriate size. Make sure the f/t mouse is warm but not hot when you offer it. Try scratching the mouth and nose of the f/t mouse so the snake can smell it better.

Good luck with your snake

:My snake is a Ball Python.
:I let my friend (that has seen me feed my snake plenty of times) feed my snake saturday while I went to pick up my girlfriend. Normaly I hold the LIVE mouse by its tail in front of my snake and within seconds my snake has gotten ahold of the mouse and is doing its thing. My friend thought it would be cool to let the mouse run around with the snake in its feeding box and let the snake catch it on its own.(BAD PLAN) any way the mouse ended up scaring the snake now the snake will not eat. I let it snake sit for a couple of days and tried again. It appears to make defencive strikes at the mouse but never wraps around it and constrits. I also put the mouse and snake together in the feeding box and covered for about an hour then the snake was so upset it bit me until i got it in my hands and it relized it was safe. I don't know what to do. (Note: My snake is a VERY good eater and I am 100% sure its problem is because of the way my friend tried to feed it. He said the mouse ran across it.)

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