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Incubator Plans - Second Draft

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Posted by tekmunki on January 13, 2003 at 14:52:03:

Here's my plans so far - I've taken the advice on both the adjustable vents and the small fan - however, I may just go with a small store bought fan instead of having to mod a DC computer case fan to a standard outlet - though with cost growing closer to the $100 limit I've put on this project it may end up that way... My question now is - 1) will this be effective and trustworthy enough to try? 2) do I need additional airholes, or will the two vents be enough?

My plan was to build it with the adjustable vents - using epoxy to hold the vents in. Later on after an eggless test run - if I feel it's TOO stuffy in there add the airholes... or do I just want to keep the air flowing through but maintaining the temp using the humidifier and tape? I want to make this as professional looking and efficient as possible, as I'm sure I'll be making more in the future (maybe even selling them if it's successful). Once again... comments? Suggestions? Improvements on the second draft? (also any suggestions on fan placement throughout? I figured the middle aimed upward would have the best dispertion - but I'm not sure if it will just push it right out the vents instead of circulating... Maybe just have one side vented?

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