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what kind of reptile is right for me??

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Posted by fenris on May 14, 2003 at 13:15:19:

In Reply to: what kind of reptile is right for me?? posted by nickpurvis on May 13, 2003 at 18:06:27:

i'v got a green water dragon but i was like 9 when i got him and like the ignorent idiot i was never supplied her with uv light so here she is 9 years later only 2 feet long. i learned like 2 months ago that uv is a must so now she gots a 4 foot uv in her cage. i keep hearing about blackthroats being the coolest. would it affect one's health if when i got home i let em out in my room and keept a sunning spot on my floor but the rest of my room was around 70? and also if i were to try to sit down and watch tv with the moniter would it try to get away or would it be content to keep warm in my arms?

:well there are several options.
:You could get a green water dragon.they get to 4 feet and can be handled easily if you get one as a baby or juvie.
:In my oppinion monitors are not skittish or anything when handled.I am 14 and have a almost 3 foot savanna and hes pretty nice and has never tried to bite,white throats are pretty much the same but have different colors.
:another I could think of would be a water monitor.these can get to 8 foot and are easily tamed and are easily handled.
:these are my oppinions on the lizard you described.Hope this helps.

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