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Gravid stenodactylus petrii......

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Posted by keats/* on April 30, 2003 at 16:00:55:

In Reply to: Gravid stenodactylus petrii...... posted by nocturnal36 on April 30, 2003 at 14:37:21:

If she is big and you can see the eggs and she is digging big holes like mad, then she is close to laying.

I heap the sand up in the warmer corner to give my gals more to work with. The actual laying is a pretty short-lived affair and you may not even notice that she has layed until you spot her later and go "Jeez! you are SKINNY!"

As for the eggs, they are small and quite fragile, so you'll have to go easy on removing them to your incubator.

I haven't sucessfully inucabated mine yet, so hopefully someone else can help you with this question.


keats long until she lays? I could see two white eggs in her since last saturday. She is getting really big, and is digging holes in the sand everywhere...

:-Will she bury the eggs? And if so, how deep?
:-any help on incubating the eggs would be appreciated, THX.

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