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Prolapsed penis

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Posted by Stacy Yankee on April 29, 2003 at 17:12:50:

In Reply to: Prolapsed penis posted by boopster on April 29, 2003 at 15:17:26:

:Hello all.
:I showed the little guy to the guy tending the reptiles at the zoo and he saw that it actally wasnt the penis that had prlapsed but the part sticking out the cloaca was dried semen and secretion. after we kept the lizard in a box full of damp paper towels for several hours in a warm room it could be removed with forsips. He now looks normal though a bit shaken but I am sure he will recover promptly. Thanks for all the advise. One of my own though. Someone sugested cold water, I and many with me doesnt think thats a good idea, the cold can give these animals a bad chock and in combination with having their bodyparts on the outside when they aren't supposed to be there could very well be fatal.
:Keep on herpin.

Good news!! I am glad to hear that it wasn't as serious as you thought and relatively easy to remedy. A few possible causes for the the dried semen/secretions might be from diet, dehydration, temperatures, etc. This isn't normal, so you might try to figure out what precipated this problem so it doesn't happen again.

By the way, in my experience, I haven't found it absolutely necessary to use UV lighting with the Helmeteds as long as the necessary D3 is provided. Also, you mentioned that your male tries to bite you. Just curious, are these geckos wild caught and/or do you have any history on them? In my experience, healthy CB Helmeteds under proper conditions very rarely nip or bite. Normally, the adults will sit calmly in my hand, although sometimes a gravid female can be fussy. And, even though the younger ones are a bit more active, they don't tend to nip either. I find the Helmeteds to be very personable and easy to approach and/or handle.

FWIW, I use warm/tepid water. (When misting, I actually fill the bottle with hot/warm water as the sprayed water comes out warm.)


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