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Re: Palmatogecko rangei substrate choices?

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Posted by Pennebaker on April 14, 2003 at 13:53:47:

In Reply to: Re: Palmatogecko rangei substrate choices? posted by GECKOS UNLIMITED on April 12, 2003 at 16:38:53:

Playsand is a good choice for substrate for rangei; especially if you don't feel like paying ridiculous amounts of money for over-priced 'reptile' products like calci-sand, jurrasic sand repti-sand etc.

I believe that expensive substrate keeps people from changing the substrate as often as they should. Playsand is quite inexpensive and doesn't have to be bought at a pet store. Playsand does not hold borrows together as well as the finer-grained, expensive repti-sand etc, but it still works very well(especially when used in conjunction with a little soil and water).

It is true that rangei can be kept successfully on as little as 1/2-inch of substrate. Technically, they could survive on no substrate at all. However, most compassionate people will give their web-foots more substrate as it becomes obvious that their geckos appreciate having 'excess' substrate to burrow in.
It is true that more sand makes it more difficult to locate eggs, but that is something that can be addressed when one has a female that is gravid.
good luck on your 'webbed' endeavors
Sundial Reptile

:I like to use fine sand (Repti Sand, Jurassic Sand). I have also used play sand, without any problems. Contrary to what many individuals believe, you only need 1/2-1" of sand as long as you make sure that the sand is moist under a hide or in a small area of the enclosure. P. rangei are completely fine without 4+" of sand. When you have such a layer of sand, it becomes difficult to locate eggs in the enclosure. Also, my breeders, and juveniles for that matter, are able to dig tunnels in the moist area.

:Nathan Hall


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