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I got a leak :(

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Posted by EllasMommie on May 05, 2003 at 00:32:17:

Well it's official, somehow I have a leak in my divider. I have no idea how but I sucked out the water that had collected under the coconut bedding, topped off the water and marked my water level. I left a hole in the bedding just incase and a couple hours later the water level had dropped slighty and there was more on the land side. ::sigh:: so now I have to collect everyone up and move them to the 10 gallon again to add more silicone. I'm really bummed, I was hoping I wouldn't have to disrupt everyone especially since Tiny is so close to becoming land bound. I have no idea how I sprung a leak, I tested everything before setting it all up, let water sit at least 6 hours and all was fine. I can only assume that maybe the weight of the river rock was just enough to break the seal a bit.

On the plus side, it seems Stretch and Pepper enjoyed the bloodworms last night. I had put the frozen cube on a small lid and sunk it into the bedding a bit. The next morning half the cube was gone and what was left was ALL OVER the lid. Looks like they not only enjoyed eating it, but playing in it as well HA HA So I think I'll give them half a cube every third feeding for now and crickets the other times. Once they get a little bigger I'll start introducing earth worms (they won't touch them yet. I tried a small one cute up in the lid and it just dried up) Can I put the calcium powder on the blood worms too? Or should I just stick with dusting the crickets?

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